Doh! Please ignore this mail, I somehow managed to forget that the
kernel measures the time in jiffies :)
kristrev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I am looking into the TCP part of the Linux-kernel, and I am having a bit
of trouble understanding the RTO calculation. In tcp.h, the TCP_RTO_MIN is
defined as HZ/5, which n my configuration (should) give a value of 50 (the
CONFIG_HZ in my config-file is 250). Still, the minRTO value when running
tests is never less than 200 ms. I have also noticed that several articles
and such refer to 200 as the minimum RTO in Linux.
Does anyone know how the kernel acheives this? When I try to perform the
RTO calculation by hand, I also always get a value that is less than 200.
Thanks in advance,
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