Peter Zijlstra pisze:
On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 10:14 +0800, Peter Teoh wrote:
Interesting read:
Personal comments:
Since KVM and Xen/OpenVZ etc other virtual machines are beginning to pop
up - I don't see why it inhibits (in spite of the many initial
difficulties as mentioned in the paper) the growth of using Java for
device drivers development. Contrast it against udev - esp in terms of
usability/supportability/extensibility etc. udev is a Linux thing,
whereas Java is at industry level. If everyone write applications
device drivers using Java (minus the extreme hardware arch specific
stuff, but supports all the low level protocol specific stuff like
TCP/IP, NFS, USB etc) then I think it has potential to compete against C
Java? Compete against C? Don't scare embedded devs.
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