> Discussion thread is here: > > http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/linux/kernel/892870?do=post_view_flat#892870 > > I am still replying his email.......trying to understand these.... Thnx Peter. Ok. I think i got it now. get_cpu_var is to fetch the data (and disable the local preemption of the kernel) and spin_lock to protect the data. I don't get it why some other cpu want to alter the content of some other cpu's variable, but it could happen (not in that particular piece of code, but maybe somewhere else in the kernel). Therefore you have to protect the data by some spin_lock. Did i got it right? Arvin -- To unsubscribe from this list: send an email with "unsubscribe kernelnewbies" to ecartis@xxxxxxxxxxxx Please read the FAQ at http://kernelnewbies.org/FAQ