I thought
this question was not important as this part of code is relatively
stable and unmodified for a long time, but there are too many possible
potential reasons, that I am really curious to know the truth. Why can't it be located under the "drivers" directory? Is there an overall architecture design into what qualify to go into "drivers" directory? Nevertheless all that exists in sound subbranch are still qualified as drivers, right? And under sound, noticed there is another "drivers" subdirectory, to cater for the diff technologies and implementations of sound. Any comments? Is there a good article available on the overall design of the architecture of sound in Linux Kernel? Funny question, but nevertheless I would like to ask this: is there any performance requirements between the sound drivers and the other drivers like network card etc? (somewhat related to the feature that network card has to be lossless, otherwise a re-transmission is needed, and sound driver can be lossy.) THanks. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send an email with "unsubscribe kernelnewbies" to ecartis@xxxxxxxxxxxx Please read the FAQ at http://kernelnewbies.org/FAQ |