I'm doing this because this module is meant to be the lower layer from other ones. This layer offers a full interface for monitoring resources and handling overruns on the system. I need both, monitoring and accounting to provide the info to high level applications. I suppose there could be a way to access a module function from the scheduler but i can't find one. The other solution is to solve that memory problem. I can explain it a little more:
MODULE INITIALIZATION: starts the module and active a flag on kernel to inform it that the module has been loaded. The kernel export a pointer to a void function and this initialization points the pointer to the switch process handler.
KERNEL SCHEDULER: before switching process it checks if the module is loaded. If it is, the scheduler calls the void function.
On the switch process handler function i access a variable declared on the module which contains some info. The direction of this variable changes when is accessed for the function as a callback from the kernel and when is accessed for the function when is called from the module itself ( I have checked this with many kernel traces).
I don't know why this can happens, perhaps someone can help me with this.
2008/2/29, Steve <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi David,
On Fri 29/02/08 4:17 PM , "David Embid" davidembid@xxxxxxxxx sent:
> Actually the monitoring is only a first step. With the monitored data
> the module tries to manage the resources. The task monitored have a
> budget linked so when they run more time than their budget a handling
> function is called.
Just a curious question. Why are you doing this in a kernel module ? You could
very well implement cpu/memory limits using tools such as 'ulimit', 'pam_limits',
'nice', 'chrt', 'taskset' ...etc. Ofcouse, none of these do any monitoring, but
if you are monitoring just for the sake of implementing limits, I would think
doing that in the kernel would be way more complicated than using any one or a
combination of the tools mentioned above.
- steve
> So I need the function on the module to be
> accessed form the kernel linux in some way. I forget specifying I
> am working with Kernel 2.6 Thanks for answering, Regards
> 2008/2/29, Steve : Hi David,
> On Fri 29/02/08 12:59 PM , "David Embid" davidembid@xxxxxxxxx [2]
> sent:
> > Hi,
> >
> > i have been developing a little module to monitoring the use of CPU
> > for some processes. For this, I need to handle the moment when the
> > scheduler switch the processes. My problem is that I don't know
> > how can I access the handling function (contained on my kernel
> > module) from the kernel scheduler (sched.c). I have tried with a
> > function callback. My module overwrite a function pointer used by
> the
> > kernel to acces the handler when the module is loaded. This
> solution
> > seems to work properly and the function is called every switch made
> > by the scheduler. The problem is that the variables used on the
> > function have different memory direction when the function is
> called
> > by the callback on the kernel and the direction when the variable
> is
> > used on other function in the module.
> > Can someone give me some advice?
> Well, I am a kernel n00b myself, but if you are interested in just
> monitoring and are not really doing this as an exercise to learn
> kernel programming, I think susing systemtap would be ideal for
> something like this.
> http://sourceware.org/systemtap/ [3]
> http://sourceware.org/systemtap/documentation.html [4]
> Could someone here possibly post a stap script to do what David needs
> ?
> regards,
> - steve
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> http://webmail.lonetwin.net/_javascript_:top.opencompose(\'steve@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> \',\'\',\'\',\'\')[2]
> http://webmail.lonetwin.net/_javascript_:top.opencompose(\'davidembid@xxxxxxx
> om\',\'\',\'\',\'\')[3] http://sourceware.org/systemtap/
> [4] http://sourceware.org/systemtap/documentation.html