On 19-12-07 22:44, Binyamin Dissen wrote:
:>The easiest way is using an editor that supports "tags". After you run "make
:>tags" in the root of the source tree (and have the ctags program installed)
:>"vim -t foobar" will take you to the definition of the "foobar" function.
I issued MAKE TAGS (which is taking a while).
Note, "make tags", lowercase. "make TAGS" if for emacs tags support.
What file(s) does it create? Is it something that I can copy and browse in a
windows environment?
The file tags/TAGS in the root of the source tree. And there are editors
that can use tags and run under windows, if only vim and/or emacs
themselves. I have no idea about "more native" windows editors.
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