I'm about to
start work on a new kernel module to suit some hardware I have here, but I had a
few questions which need answering first.
The object of the
module is simply to update a register in the hardware at regular intervals. I
intend to rip off the sample at http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/x1211.html ,
and place my own functions in the interrupt handler to do the job. The hardware
manufacturer has supplied a library of pre-compiled functions to talk to the
hardware for me. However, the functions in the library all print information to
STDOUT when they are called, and there's not much I can do to stop it. Is this a
bad thing? What happens when a kernel module attempts to write to STDOUT (or
STDERR, for that matter, I'm not really sure yet which one it uses)?
On another note, I
will need to communicate with my module, to tell it what values to write. The
guide I pointed out has procedures for writing to a procfs file from whithin a
module, but I can't see anything on how to get information from userspace into
the module, ie how can I pick up if somebody writes to my /proc file? I also saw
somewhere on kernelnewbies.org that procfs is deprecated and I should use devfs
instead. Can anyone point me to a howto on using devfs?
Leigh Sharpe
Network Systems Engineer
Pacific Wireless
Ph +61 3 9584 8966
Mob 0408 009 502
Network Systems Engineer
Pacific Wireless
Ph +61 3 9584 8966
Mob 0408 009 502