On 10/16/07, Mulyadi Santosa <mulyadi.santosa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Why wouldn't things in kernel space be swapped out? Dosen't make sense...
> I am new to Linux MM. Can someone answer my following questions?
I'll try...
> 1> Where is the process page table(mm->pgd) stored? Is it stored below
Above PAGE_OFFSET, in other word... it's inside kernel space, just like
the task_struct descriptor.
> If yes, then wouldn't there
> be a chance of the page tables getting accidentally corrupted by the user
> process as it is in the user address space?
> 2> What will happen if the page containing the process page table(mm->pgd)
> is swapped on the disk and the process is scheduled for execution ?
Since it's in kernel space, it won't be swapped out.
Why wouldn't things in kernel space be swapped out? Dosen't make sense...
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