also, read the man pages on insmod, rmmod,and lsmod. -- ilya On 9/18/07, jiayinjia1983116 <jiayinjia1983116@xxxxxxx> wrote:> just run the command "modeprobe module-name">>>>> 在2007-09-19,"Sachin Gaikwad" <sachin.kernel@xxxxxxxxx> :>>> Hi all,>> I have built my kernel from source, installed and booted in it.>> Now I have written a small module. Can I insert this module into the> runningn kernel ?>> Is there anything which I should take care of while compiling this> module, as we have to insert it into the running kernel ?>> Thanks in advance,>> Sachin>> --> To unsubscribe from this list: send an email with> "unsubscribe kernelnewbies" to ecartis@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Please read the FAQ at>>>>> ________________________________> 杀70万种木马病毒,瑞星2008版免费?韬{.n?????%??檩jw?)p??{.n???罐??'??q??????????v??m??赙zY蘖?锄+?@