this is a sample user app. and kernel driver for net link socket, not exactly a sample code but a solution to problem that I have faced (smiler to your problem).
and this link will also help alot.
I can reply more query about this by next week end if you have please post it.
And give your code so i can give answer specific to your problem.
ilya <jibberboosh@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 8/16/07, kashif saeedwrote:
> hi ilya,
> I'll send you a sample code for kernel module and user app. by Monday. I am
> not at my place now and busy in some work so i might not be able to
> look at your problem till Sunday.
hello, sounds awesome.
i actually figured it out after digging through some
code on google. i needed to use the 'genl_info' strucutre
and nla_get_string(). now i need to get the replies from
kernel to user space to work.
i could definitely use some sample code.
thank you very much.
-- ilya
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Description: 3240647086-invoke-driver.c
Description: 1674321809-sendRecive.c