On Mon, 08 Jan 2007 Santosh Pradhan wrote :
>Hi All,
>I am using linux iscsi initiator (RHEL 3 box) to connect to the iscsi
>content of the /etc/iscsi.conf in the initiator side:-
> OutgoingUsername=admin
> OutgoingPassword=admin
> LoginTimeout=15
>if i started the iscsi service ,
>iscsi-ls command only gives the version of the iscsi driver loaded without
>anything more.
Are there any devices exported by the target to this initiator??
>The /var/log/messages output :-
>Jan 8 19:15:56 lxpra24337 iscsid[6407]: Connection to Discovery
>Jan 8 19:15:56 lxpra24337 iscsid[6407]: Connected to Discovery Address
>Jan 8 19:16:56 lxpra24337 iscsid[6407]: Connection to Discovery Address
> closed
>Jan 8 19:16:56 lxpra24337 iscsid[6407]: Connected to Discovery Address
>Jan 8 19:17:56 lxpra24337 iscsid[6407]: Connection to Discovery Address
> closed
>Jan 8 19:17:56 lxpra24337 iscsid[6407]: Connected to Discovery Address
>Jan 8 19:18:56 lxpra24337 iscsid[6407]: Connection to Discovery Address
> closed
>Jan 8 19:18:56 lxpra24337 iscsid[6407]: Connected to Discovery Address
>Jan 8 19:19:56 lxpra24337 iscsid[6407]: Connection to Discovery Address
> closed
>Jan 8 19:19:56 lxpra24337 iscsid[6407]: Connected to Discovery Address
>Could you please anybody help me to understand the error and debug it.
From the log messages it seems that your initiator connects to the target and then after one minute the connection gets closed.
Can you find out who is closing the connection? as in the initiator or the target?
What are you using the username and password for?
If you can provide the tcpdump it can be really helpful
use " tcpdump -i eth0 (ur network interface ... use the appropriate interface like eth0, eth1 ..) -s 0 -w <filename in which the dump will go> port xxxx (xxxx should be port number on which you are talking iSCSI .. by default it is 3260).
>Thanks in advance.