First some
I'm working on a
little project where I have taken the scsi_debug kernel module, hacked it (lots)
so as it now appears as a Virtual Tape Library (+ user daemons to handle the
SSC/SMC target portion).
The user-space
daemons I've managed to package up within an RPM without too much
My problem
Is there any easy
way to automate the kernel module build process for any 2.6.x kernel this may be
installed on ?
On SLES 9, there is
a 'make cloneconfig' which does a really nice job of taking the currently
running kernel config and applying to the kernel source. A make modules will
then create a kernel module that will install into the current
RedHat AS4 is a
different kettle of fish.
I've yet been able
to build just the kernel module and have it install into the current kernel i.e.
a RedHat shipped kernel. Even though I've installed the kernel-source rpm
for the current kernel.
I am hoping there
are sample / examples of a recommended way to handle this. I really can't see my
hacks getting into the kernel proper, so I'm hoping for a (some) external build
process to ease the process for non-linux savvy people.