> > I am getting some problem in inserting a module
-> > even after compiling it for the running kernel.
-> >
-> > [root@localhost kernel-modules]# insmod hello-1.ko
-> > insmod: error inserting 'hello-1.ko': -1 Invalid
-> > module format
__one__ possibility here could be - your "version magic" field.
Whats your present kernel's " version magic" ? If it doesn't match with your module's "version magic" then it wont get inserted.
Something like this :-
<module> version magic '2.6.12-9-386 386 gcc-4.0' should be '2.6.12-9-386 386 gcc-3.4'
Here the GCC version conflicts, so I can't insert this module.
[ Since the module is compiled with gcc - 4.0 & kernel with gcc-3.4]