I m new to the kernel module programming. I m referring to "Linux kernel module programming" book availlable on tldp.org. I m using kernel version 2.4.20-8. (redhat 9)
I wrote a hello world program and it gets compiled successfully, i m using the following command.
$gcc - c -W -Wstrcik-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -isystem /lib/modules/2.4.20/'uname -r'/bulid/include -O2 -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__${WARN} ${INCUDE} hello.c
the program gets compiled without any error,
but when i use the insmod i get the following error
command: $ insomod ./hello.o
./hello.o: kernel -module verison mismatch
./hello.o was compiled for kernel version 2.4.20
while this kernel is version 2.4..20.-8
I have also compiled the kernel by disabling CONFIG_MODVERSIONS , insmod gives the same error on this newly compiled kernel. i.e linux 2.4..20-8Custom
can any plz suggest what to do to load the module successfully.
thankx in advance.
First thing first -- but not necessarily in that order.
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