You boot ur computer and textr mode ....then ...
1. check the /var/log/messeges file ... and try and get some messeges related to your problem .
2. Then look at your XFree86.conf file ... some things have to be changed in this file ..
On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 simon bitton wrote :
>I had a hard time getting an answer re: HowTo remove/push a Logo that comes
>out of BIOS. I installed a RedHat Linux on my Laptop Acer ( H D partitioned
>with half OS XP the other half used for Linux OS) BUT that Acer logo comes
>out when I try to get Linux browser come on. I used startX but then the Acer
>logo seems to impeach the browser to come on screen. I called Acer and they
>claim that they can do nothing for a part of BIOS which is the main chip,
>that's what they said.
>This is the Error I get after startx:>>
>X10: fatal I0 error 104>>( Connection reset by peer) on X server "o.o."
>after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
>Please can you help in this case? Or can you direct me to the right person
>that would be able to find a patch or some other solution to avoid that
>Thank you in advance for any help you can come up with.