H O T_S t o c k for Investors Eyes only. ********************************************************************************** AmeriChip International Inc (ACHI) Current Price: 0.037 10 days ago because of a huge PR campaign this baby went from .03 to .08 over 100% gains, are we in for another "Big Run" because of this new PR campaign? Does it Sound New and Exciting to You? Watch This One Trade Monday And ALL this upcoming WEEK. Breaking News!! The Board of Directors of AmeriChip International Inc. announced that AmeriChip plans to enter into a license agreement with KSI Machine & Engineering, Inc. for the use of AmeriChip's Laser Assisted Chip Control technology. The Company's laser and robot delivered to the KSI facility is now operational. KSI and AmeriChip are also negotiating a joint venture relationship, from which AmeriChip will generate revenues from the application of its proprietary technology in a Tier One environment. KSI is a well-established Tier One Supplier Company based in Michigan. KSI is a leader in machining large industrial castings and molds for the automotive and aerospace industries utilizing state-of-the-art CNC machinery that has revolutionized die machining. The benefits of this advanced technology to customers include reduced machine time, unparalleled machining accuracy, and less time through try-out. On June 20, 2005, the Company notified Cornell Capital that the Company will not be proceeding with the Standby Equity Distribution Agreement and would not be drawing down any common stock pursuant to the Standby Equity Distribution Agreement. The Board of Directors determined that this action was in the best interest of the shareholders and will prevent any further dilution to the current issued and outstanding shares. Headquartered in Plymouth, Mich., AmeriChip International Inc. holds a patented technology known as Laser Assisted Chip Control, the implementation of which results in efficient chip control management in industrial metal machining applications. This technology provides substantial s a v i n g s in machining costs of certain automobile parts providing much more competitive pricing and more aggressive sales approaches within the industry. The innovative AmeriChip business model, enhanced by its AmeriChip Tool and Abrasives subsidiary, is designed to establish an extensive resource for cost saving services and products that all cost conscious industrial steel and aluminum machining companies require. AmeriChip is committed to keeping jobs in America for Americans. About the Company AmeriChip International Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiary AmeriChip Ventures, Inc. has developed a patented technology, supported by 15 years of engineering, designed to eliminate the long and often dangerous ribbon-like steel chips that tangle around moving tool parts, automation devices and other compontents essential to the machine processing of low to medium grade carbon steels and non-ferrous metals. The result of this process is a superior product, manufactured in a safer working environment, avoiding many of the health and safety issues associated with traditional metal processing methodologies, while offering potential cost s a v i n g s int the billions of dollars. Conclusion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar with This. Is ACHI Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch this One Trade Monday And ALL THIS WEEK! Go ACHI. ____________________________________ Penny stocks are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way affiliated with the featured company. We were compensated 3000 dollars to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you feel you have been wrongfully placed in our membership, send a blank e mail with No Thanks in the sub ject torem0vemen0w @ yahoo.com ÿò?®w¥?ì?ëÿéiy§!¢Ø^®W?®v?¢ëm?ââ?ìdz¹Þ?ð+r¯{øm¶?ÿþf¢?ùåþX§»è®äz¹Þ?w°n'¬üPþm§ÿÿ?êçzYÞÁ¸?³ú+?÷Ú