FW: Hardware Details

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Try reading file available in /proc ...... these files are specific to
system information.

Thanks & Regards,
Gaurav Dhiman
Computer Associates - ITC,

-----Original Message-----
From: kernelnewbies-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:kernelnewbies-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Vinay Salotagi
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 1:07 PM
To: kernelnewbies@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Hardware Details

Hi All
How can i read the hardware details like
a.. ProcessorId:
a.. ProcessorVendor
a.. Amount of RAM
a.. Amount of physical memory etc
   in my programme.

Thanks and Regards

Vinay. Salotagi
Software Engineer,
Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd,
139/25, Ring road, Domlur ,
Bangalore - 560 071,India,
E-mail : vinayss@xxxxxxxxxx,
Tel: +91-80-25355501, Extn - 4165

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