----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 6:45
Subject: Re: What does kernel option
`root=LABEL=/' do?
On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 05:58:07PM -0600, Paul Claessen
> found the same LABEL=/ 'thingees' back in /ect/fstab
> My first question is a general one: What is this LABEL=/ all about,
what does it do?
> I did quite some research, but it appears to be a
It's so secret, it's documented right there in "man
==== Actually reading a manual??? What a novel
idea! ;-)
(okay, so I got caught.. feeling real small
The mainline kernels don't have the patch to handle mount-by-label,
the Red Hat kernels do.
==== Sucks, but okay, at least it explains it.
Thanks for pointing this out to me.
> I tried editing (during boot) the grub entry and replace the
LABEL=/ with /dev/hda4
This is the right thing to do.
==== Well... goodie. (and I meant -typo- hda5, 4
I think is the raw extended partition)
> when I do that the system gets a whole lot further, UNTIL it
needs to
> write to various files in /var: it will then complain 'no
such file or
> directory' for the various files.
Sure you didn't
fiddle too much with your /etc/fstab ?
=== Yep, fairly sure: in fact I didn't touch it
at all. And maybe that's my problem,
maybe I should remove all the LABEL= strings
there too then? Will test this.
Although, IF that's the problem, then that
will make booting different kernels (with
and without that patch) a real pain, if not