El Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 09:04:01AM +0800, wctan@netwxs.com.my dijo: > Dear all, > > Can anyone tell me how should I use the system call init_module > in an application? What I wanted to do is to load a module in > my C application without calling system ( "insmod something.o" > ); > I read the man page but still don't really understand. > Thanks. If you want to use a device file, you should to configure at the /etc/modules.conf this device file and the module that control it, so when you open the device (at your C program) the module will be loaded For example, I have a ts3121 module, and some files with the major 61 to control it so in my /etc/modules.conf i have the following lines alias char-major-61 ts3121 options ts3121 io=0x200 base=0xd0000 irq=5 debug=1 So when i open the device file (with major 61) the module ts3121 is loaded in the kernel if it isn`t loaded yet I hope this help -- Hasta otra! Eduardo Ferro Aldama eferro@euskalnet.net http://www.todolinux.net/usuarios/eferro/ La web del GLUB http://glub.ehu.es/ Grupo Linux Usuarios de Bizkaia Linux powered - Kernelnewbies: Help each other learn about the Linux kernel. Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/kernelnewbies/ IRC Channel: irc.openprojects.net / #kernelnewbies Web Page: http://www.kernelnewbies.org/