Re: netfilter expected behavior for established connections

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> Are you sure this script works as intended?
> Doing:
> socat tcp-listen:12345,fork PIPE &
> socat PIPE:P tcp: &
> echo foo > P
> ... causes endless traffic, since listener echoes
> P back, that gets written to P, socat reads from it,
> eches foo to server, that sends to client, ...

heh, I got bitten for that too, that is why I have

echo PING >&3 && read line <&3

the moment that you read it from the fd, it does not come back to the
socket and you break the loop.
I like this approach because it guarantees the packet traverse the
network , but I think we can make it unidirectionally and just dump
the other side in a
It is surprisingly more complex than I thought to create a persistent
connection that you can reuse in the test..
Let me try to find a simpler way

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