Re: ulogd2, sqlite3 and negative TCP Seq numbers

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Dňa 8. 3. o 11:45 Adam Nielsen napísal(a):
Not all are logged as negative, i collet (and pair) all yet logged:

    LOGEMU         SQLITE3
    3489577139 -> -805390157

If I run this in bash:

   $ echo $[0x100000000 - 3489577139]

For now i add trigger into SQLite DB, to correct value if it is less than zero, seems to work::

    CREATE TRIGGER ulogd_fixsig1
    AFTER INSERT ON ulog_pkt WHEN NEW.tcp_seq < 0 BEGIN
    UPDATE ulog_pkt SET tcp_seq = NEW.tcp_seq + (1<<32)
        WHERE rowid = NEW.rowid;

Please, can someone take look on it in ulogd2 code?


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