snat and Port Numbers

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I'm trying to understand what ports the netfilter snat will map TCP/UDP connections to. I've tried, but failed, to find answers elsewhere :-(


For iptables the SNAT target may be set:

   --to-source [ipaddr[-ipaddr]][:port[-port]]

where [according to iptables-extensions(8)]:

   "If no port range is specified, then source ports below 512 will
    be mapped to other ports below 512: those between 512 and 1023
    inclusive will be mapped to ports below 1024, and other ports
    will be mapped to 1024 or above.  Where possible, no port
    alteration will occur."

Is the nftables snat the same ??

If a port range is specified, will all source ports be forced into that range ?? Or are source ports below 1024 still mapped separately ??

Then there are the /proc/sys/net/ipv4 entries:

  ip_local_port_range:        32768   60999
  ip_local_reserved_ports:    <empty>
  ip_unprivileged_port_start: 1024

Do these interact with the source port mapping for snat at all ??

RFC's 4787 & 5382 REQUIRE "Endpoint-Independent Mapping". Is that supported ??



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