Re: What is *supposed* to happen with automated nftables accept rules?

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On 2/21/25 10:40, robinleepowell@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> So my question is, what *should* happen here?  As far as I can tell,
> there is absolutely nothing the libvirt tooling can do to override
> my reject.

The libvirt *tooling* can't do anything about it, but the libvirt
*documentation* can. Rather than changing your firewall rules without
telling you (!!!), libvirt should just document what network traffic
requirements it has, and let you update your firewall appropriately

For example, [1] is the documentation from OpenShift explaining what
sort of node-to-node traffic needs to be allowed, so people creating
their own firewalls (via any technology) can avoid blocking critical
cluster traffic.

-- Dan


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