Re: Raw Payload Expressions - out of bounds write?

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> ...but I had expected
> 0xfc0f...

I disagree with the proposed mask: the message is likely not 64,527 bits in length (0xfc0f -> decimal: 64,527).

> Use --debug=netlink

Apologies, I am not sure what this refers to: I assume it is a compilation argument; and I cannot recompile NetFilter as of yet.

I am using the `nft` command via '/etc/nftables.conf'; on an installation of the latest Debian 12.9 release. `/usr/sbin/nft -v` prints "nftables v1.0.6 (Lester Gooch #5)".

Debian CD Signing key fingerprint: DF9B9C49EAA9298432589D76DA87E80D6294BE9B
Debian 12 Bookwork release key fingerprint: 4D64FEC119C2029067D6E791F8D2585B8783D481

An example of the problem. Hopefully my explanation is easy to understand:

To match "Version 4" of IPv4 header, and to clear DSCP code point (DSCP isn't used on my network):

- At network header, bit offset 0, select the next 4 bits, and match the decimal value 4.
- At network header, bit offset 8, select the next 6 bits and set the value to 0.

@nh,0,4 0x4 \
@nh,8,6 set 0x0 \

Translates to:

@nh,0,8 & 0xf0 == 0x40 @nh,8,8 set @nh,8,8 & 0x7e accept

I view this as:

"Version and Internet Header Length, mask 240 bits, match a value of 64."
My issue: I did not match IHL before translation. The rule may cause dropped frames that I was not concerned with.


"DSCP, and ECN, set to the same value, covering 124 bits at some offset" (I am assuming the offset is @nh,8).
My issue: It has not set the bits to zero as I intended, and what to do if the bits selected (0x7e / 124 bits) is larger than the destination section to copy to (@nh8,8 / 8 bits at 8 bits from beginning of network header.)

I cannot be certain of the correct way to translate the rule given the 8-bit backing store restriction. If I am only concerned with 4 bits, then, in order for my rules to function, a mask of 4 bits must be valid.

I propose that a 'bit array' backing store may assist (though I sense that may reduce performance). Without a given socket buffer in memory; it is difficult to form the correct mask, where the mask must be larger than the selected bits.

I would love to assist, though, I haven't read the source code of NetFilter. It is possible that I suggest an incorrect change without reading the source.


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