[Thread split] nftables rule optimization - dropping invalid in ingress?

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As per advice by Kerin Millar, this is a continuation of another
discussion [1] which resulted in a different topic.

On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 03:36:00 +0100 Kerin Millar wrote:

> To begin with, I would recommend that you jettison these rules
> outright. It is probable that they would otherwise end up being
> useless. But why? [...]

Actually, I have read about all this in older posts here. I should have
probably clarified better the forest, not just the trees.

The rules I mention (along with a few others) were inspired by a few
sources - some using iptables (where INVALID may be different in its
code definition from nftables and thus need such rules). That said, I
have actually tested and am aware that e.g. Xmas is an invalid TCP
packet that will be dropped by conntrack anyway. Similarly, the others

However, in the setup I am trying to implement, I am attempting to be
"clever" and optimize things by dropping bad traffic earlier, so I am
doing it in the ingress hook where, AFAICS, conntrack is not available.
Why ingress? - Because I am following the general principle that
attacks should be stopped as soon and as far as possible, rather than
allowing them go further inside (in this case - next hooks). And even
though the next hook (prerouting) can drop e.g. Xmas of FINSYN as
invalid, I assume it would be a waste of CPU cycles to allow further
processing of such traffic. So, I thought: why not prevent the
unnecessary load on stateful conntrack? - Hence the whole idea to drop

OTOH, adding more rules to ingress adds CPU cycles itself.

Which is more optimal - dropping early or not piling up extra rules in
ingress? Looking for an answer to that, I have done this:

As per earlier advise from you in a different context, I checked this:

# zgrep BPFILTER /proc/config.gz 
# CONFIG_BPFILTER is not set

If I am reading this correctly, it means there is no BPF JIT
optimization. Is this normal? Is BPF still experimental and for that
reason not available? I don't know, which is why I asked and still hope
for an answer:


Why am I referring to BPF? - Because I suppose having it available
would make the difference between the "drop early" (in ingress) and
"drop as invalid" (in prerouting) cases negligible.

Now, the question comes down to: How big is the actual difference? Is
it negligible right now (without BPF)? - I really don't know. Hence
this other thread:


Any info and advice is very welcome, as the whole thing discussed here
is very unclear to me.


[1] https://marc.info/?l=netfilter&m=171358042732609&w=2

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