On 8/21/23 12:26, Pablo Neira Ayuso wrote:
As I said before, you have to have a stateful ruleset which does not pick up states from the middle.
I am now filtering both interfaces, the front-facing and the internal one, on the FORWARD chain. table inet filter { chain input { type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept; } chain forward { type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop; ip protocol icmp accept ct state invalid log prefix "INVALID: " drop ct state established,related,new accept log prefix "DROP POLICY: " } chain output { type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept; } } table ip nat { chain postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept; ip saddr oif "eth0" snat to } chain prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept; iif "eth0" tcp dport 50 dnat to } } However it looks like I am still tracking in the middle.
nftables is completely irrelevant in this picture. State synchronization relies on ctnetlink and userspace conntrackd for state synchronization. nftables is only the packet classification framework.
I was just wondering if I absolutely had to use the iptables example from the testcase sample. I notice that example has additional SYN flag. Basically I am doing things the other way around, DNAT instead of SNAT.
Rule of thumb is: You have disable nf_conntrack_tcp_loose from conntrack and a stateful ruleset which drops packets that are in invalid state.
tcp_loose is zero and as for the stateful ruleset, I am still not sure.
Otherwise, state synchronization does not make sense because conntrack can pick connections from the middle, ie. you can implement "poor man" failover and let conntrack recover the history from the middle.
This seems to be what is happening (correct me if I am wrong). I sometimes manage to successfully fail-over after checking carefully that things are in order, namely that the state is there on internal and external cache respectively. Anyhow the commit error remains.
Can you see events on the active node with `conntrack -E`?
No, and I have to restart conntrackd to actually be able to see the states (I guess thanks to `StartupResync on`).
Did you debug with tcpdump on both ends to check to see if conntrackd delivers the synchronization messages?
Yes I noticed an UDP datagram that is larger than the other ones.
What do conntrackd stats tell you? There is a good number of options that allow you debug your setup.
right after a successful fail-over root@vrrp1:~# conntrackd -s cache internal: current active connections: 2 connections created: 4 failed: 0 connections updated: 0 failed: 0 connections destroyed: 2 failed: 0 cache external: current active connections: 2 connections created: 4 failed: 0 connections updated: 0 failed: 0 connections destroyed: 2 failed: 0 traffic processed: 0 Bytes 0 Pckts UDP traffic (active device=eth2): 8384 Bytes sent 8216 Bytes recv 499 Pckts sent 498 Pckts recv 0 Error send 0 Error recv message tracking: 0 Malformed msgs 0 Lost msgs root@vrrp2:~# conntrackd -s cache internal: current active connections: 2 connections created: 2 failed: 0 connections updated: 0 failed: 0 connections destroyed: 0 failed: 0 cache external: current active connections: 2 connections created: 6 failed: 0 connections updated: 0 failed: 0 connections destroyed: 4 failed: 0 traffic processed: 0 Bytes 0 Pckts UDP traffic (active device=eth2): 8552 Bytes sent 8704 Bytes recv 519 Pckts sent 519 Pckts recv 0 Error send 0 Error recv message tracking: 0 Malformed msgs 0 Lost msgs but the commit error is always there in the logs.