Hi IPVS users, This behavior is on the 5.4 CentOS kernel and should be because of this check. As per the commit message[1], the problematic value is when conn_tab_bits>31. With that in mind, why do we limit the size to 7 < conn_tab_bits < 21? I stumbled upon this problem while upgrading our production hosts from old RHEL with kernel 3.10 to CentOS with kernel 5.4. On current RHEL systems, conn_tab_bits=24 works just fine. # RHEL output:- $ sudo ipvsadm -Ln|head -n1 IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=16777216) Sidenote: lvs-users mailing list is dead since 2020, but it is still listed on the LVS website. http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/mailing.html [1]: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/69e73dbfda14fbfe748d3812da1244cce2928dcb Cheers, Abhijeet (https://abhi.host)