What hooks are relevant, from the standpoint of the host, for traffic to, from, and between virtual machines? I suppose the answer might vary with the identity of the other endpoint, which might be the host itself, another virtual machine, another machine on my local network or another machine on the public internet. I do see https://wiki.nftables.org/wiki-nftables/index.php/Bridge_filtering on filtering bridges, which I am using. But would packets on the bridge go through both the bridge filters and the filters on the underlying physical device that is part of the bridge? As an example, a packet comes from outside destined for a VM. On the host, does that mean that the forward hook will be triggered, because it's being passed on to a "different" machine, or the input hook, since the target is just a process on the host? The VMs are running under KVM with libvirt, using some bridged networking and some of libvirts default NAT based virtual networking. libvirt also has a bunch of options for specifying network filters https://libvirt.org/formatnwfilter.html; on a quick read they are about setting up filters inside the VM's. I also have docker. Thanks. Ross Boylan