Re: nft numeric output translates tcp flags rule so it cannot be loaded again

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>> […]
> And instead of numeric variant of 0.9.9 which was
> tcp flags 0x2 / 0x1,0x2,0x4,0x10 ct state 0x8 counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop
> it looks now different with 1.0:
> tcp flags != 0x2 / 0x1,0x2,0x4,0x10 ct state 0x8 counter packets 0 bytes
> 0 drop
> […]
> It'd be great if you could explain the effects of the subtle change of
> the rule. Since I'd like to use nftables to be verbose/ easier to
> maintain. Both numeric variants look complicated to the untrained eye.
> I can match the different string tcp flags to their numeric values. But
> I'm unable to get the difference between tcp flags 0x2 and tcp flags !=
> 0x2… It looks like a not-equal-operator that clearly lacks in the 0.9.9
> variant. Is it because of polish notation/ operator first?
I've been through the documentation and found only a single occurence of
the expression with no explanation.

– the only occurrence
* – man page
does not list round braces (except for side notes or additions)
* – sets use
curly braces instead
– like maps, also curly
– quick reference also lacks a sample (despite the widespread use of
such a rule/ expression)

Would it be correct to call the sub expression

( syn | ack )

combination? Would it be more precise to name it binary combination?
Deducing from the sample (syn | ack) merges all the bits set into a sort
of bit mask that is used for comparison? Why is it necessary then to
preceed the binary combination with an '&'? What is the second operator
if the binary combination is followed by not equal to syn? Is it the
header value? Do I fix my explanation by labelling tcp flags the left
hand side of the bit mask operation and the binary combination right
hand side? Is it interpreted correctly if described as:

1. create bitmask from OR-ing syn 0x02 and ack 0x10
2. flag value of header must match the bitmask exactly (preceeding &)
3. must evaluate to true applying comparison operator and bit mask right
of it

What other prefixes to a combination are valid except &? I tried ! ( syn
| fin ) != syn which failed at the != operator. But | ( syn | fin ) !=
syn works and nft -c accepts this. I didn't try it out with traffic.
Also accepted by nft -c:

# binary combination should evalute to 0x00 -> always true
tcp flags & (fin & syn & ack) != syn ct state new counter drop

# binary combination should evaluate to 0x00, too -> always true
tcp flags & (fin & (syn | ack)) != syn ct state new counter drop

# get a little bit crazy and have a binary combination on both sides
# and use literal greater than instead of >
tcp flags & (fin & (syn | ack)) gt (syn | fin) ct state new counter drop

I'd appreciate if this would be added to the wiki. I'd say a short on
the example and link in the 10min-guide? (Not every firewall maintainer
knows about syntax trees or is fond of de Morgan.)

Just for the records/ side notes:

I also had no success using nft describe. It complained about syntax
errors in too many occasions. For example

nft describe "add rule ip { tcp flags 0x2 / 0x1,0x2,0x4,0x10 ct state
0x8 counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop }"


Error: syntax error, unexpected add
describe add rule ip { tcp flags 0x2 / 0x1,0x2,0x4,0x10 ct state 0x8
counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop }

If it weren't explicitely binary expressions one could take the detour
through POSIX syntax[1]. The vertical bar is interpreted as
»arguments…mutually exclusive«. And ellipses »denote […] one or more


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