I am not a coder and am seeking help please to create a startup script.
I am running on openSUSE Tumbleweed.
I need to enable a control app (minimwatch) on my laptop in order to control a upnp server (minimserver) on a remote NAS. The problem is the way minimserver first connects using random dynamic ports and getting the connection through the firewall.
With help I now have the commands necessary to create this connection but I am having problems creating a script so that this works from boot.
The steps I have which work are:-
1. Enable ssdp user helper in conntrackd.conf:
General {
HashSize 32768
HashLimit 131072
Syslog on
LockFile /var/run/lock/conntrackd.lock
Path /var/run/conntrackd.sock
SocketBufferSize 262142
SocketBufferSizeMaxGrown 655355
# default SUSE systemd service unit file is of Type=notify
Systemd off
Stats {
LogFile on
Helper {
Type ssdp inet udp {
QueueNum 5
QueueLen 10240
Policy ssdp {
ExpectMax 8
ExpectTimeout 300
Type ssdp inet tcp {
QueueNum 5
QueueLen 10240
Policy ssdp {
ExpectMax 8
ExpectTimeout 300
2. Register ssdp helper in kernel:
nfct add helper ssdp inet tcp
nfct add helper ssdp inet udp
3. Connect user helper to kernel:
systemctl start conntrackd.service
4. Add rules to invoke ssdp helper:
iptables -t raw -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 1900 -j CT --helper ssdp
Having edited conntrackd.conf, when I run the commands 2,3 & 4 in this sequence after I have booted, the connection to minimwatch works. So far so good. What I now seek is to automate this so everything works from boot without me needing to run the three commands as root.
If you have time I would really appreciate some help as this is well above me.