Hi, I'm doing some tracing with nft 0.9.8 and I am seeing something which I'm not sure is a bug or just me doing something wrong. I've got this chain in my ruleset: chain trace_chain { type filter hook prerouting priority -301; ip daddr ip protocol icmp meta nftrace set 1 } When I run 'nft monitor trace' and do a ping to I get this: trace id d89e0527 inet filter trace_chain packet: iif "ens2f4" ether saddr 3c:fd:fe:d0:21:31 ether daddr 00:07:43:3e:b5:40 ip saddr ip daddr ip dscp cs0 ip ecn not-ect ip ttl 64 ip id 48512 ip protocol icmp ip length 84 icmp code net-unreachable icmp id 7698 icmp sequence 1 @th,64,96 70826276232191064865536871936 I didn't understand why I was getting 'icmp code net-unreachable' when I should be getting something like 'icmp code echo-request', so I re-ran the trace with 'nft -nn monitor trace': trace id f3014662 inet filter trace_chain packet: iif "ens2f4" ether saddr 3c:fd:fe:d0:21:31 ether daddr 00:07:43:3e:b5:40 ip saddr ip daddr ip dscp 0x00 ip ecn 0x0 ip ttl 64 ip id 56274 ip protocol 1 ip length 84 icmp code 0 icmp id 7700 icmp sequence 1 @th,64,96 75468551379511240899085402624 I then realized that 'icmp code net-unreachable' is correct *if* the icmp *type* is 1 or 2, but not if the type is 8, which is the case for an echo request. I then also realized that the ICMP *type* information was missing from the trace. So my question is this: am I misunderstanding the trace output or is there some sort of bug? Bonus question: if instead of calling the chain "trace_chain", I call it "chain", like so: chain trace { type filter hook prerouting priority -301; ip daddr ip protocol icmp meta nftrace set 1 } When I try loading the ruleset I get this error: /etc/firewall/rules.nft:40:9-13: Error: syntax error, unexpected trace, expecting string chain trace { ^^^^^ Is 'trace' some sort of reserved keyword? I thought chains could be called anything. Can they not? Thanks, -Martin