Nftables 2 WAN

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I'm configuring a routeur which has 2 WAN, one being a tunnel over gre which is for bgp session accepting all ipv6 routes. I have 2 interfaces, eth0 which has 2 ipv6 addresses and gretunnel which has one ipv6 address.

Problem is that incoming ipv6 traffic to eth0 is going out through gretunnel. My rules are

fwtables="sudo nft"
myip="sudo ip"

# nft table mangle ip and ip6
$fwtables delete table ip mangle 2>/dev/null || true
$fwtables delete table ip6 mangle 2>/dev/null || true
$fwtables add table ip mangle 2>/dev/null || true
$fwtables add table ip6 mangle 2>/dev/null || true
$fwtables add chain ip6 mangle output "{ type nat hook output priority -150 ; policy accept ; }" $fwtables add rule ip6 mangle output oifname != gretunnel meta mark set 0x254
$fwtables add rule ip6 mangle output oifname gretunnel meta mark set 0x2

# nft table route
$fwtables add table ip6 route
$fwtables add chain ip6 route output
$fwtables add rule ip6 route output meta oif gretunnel meta mark != 0x2 counter drop

# ip route mark
$myip rule add fwmark 0x254 table default
$myip rule add fwmark 0x2 table isp2
$myip route flush table isp2
$myip route add prohibit default table isp2

What is wrong with this setup ?

Daniel Huhardeaux
+33.368460088@xxxxxxxxxx	      sip:820@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+41.445532125@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx		    tootaiNET

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