ѽ҉ᶬḳ℠ <vtol@xxxxxxx> wrote: > Since the ruleset that worked with kernel 4.19 did not anymore with kernel > 5.4 (throwing segfault) I started from scratch to see what gives. > > nft add table inet filter > nft add chain inet filter input { type filter hook input priority 0 \; } > nft add chain inet filter forward { type filter hook forward priority 0 \; } > nft add chain inet filter output { type filter hook output priority 0 \; > } > nft add table inet nat > > Thus far good and then things go awry and the output does not help to > understand what might be wrong: > > nft add chain inet nat prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority \-100 > \; } > nft: unrecognized option: 1 If you use the shell, you should use single-quote for the entire arguments. nft 'add chain ...' here, nft thinks you passed '-1' as an option. > and next up > > nft add chain inet nat postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100 > \; } > Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory inet nat depends on CONFIG_NF_TABLES_INET.