Re: Redirect bridged traffic

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You are totally right. Adding an IP address to the bridge, is passing the redirect drop stage. I thought that having all SRC/DST parameters set in the package, is supposed to have the data flow completed.
However. after adding the bridge IP, the package seems that is getting lost in another step. In order to troubleshoot the issue I have created all hooks for all chains in ip, inet and bridge tables. For understanding easier where the package is I have created the tables with the naming tb_<table type> and rules ch_<chain type>_<hook>.

 The nftrace feature is allowing me to follow how the package is traversing the network stack:

trace id ff3b1d8d bridge tb_bridge ch_filter_prerouting packet: iif "eth1" ether saddr f4:8c:50:fa:1f:e5 ether daddr 00:0c:29:15:7b:a0 ip saddr ip daddr ip dscp 0x04 ip ecn not-ect ip ttl 64 ip id 64068 ip protocol tcp ip length 60 tcp sport 46206 tcp dport 3000 tcp flags == syn tcp window 64240 
trace id ff3b1d8d bridge tb_bridge ch_filter_prerouting rule log tcp dport 3000 meta pkttype set host ether daddr set 00:0c:29:15:7b:a0 counter packets 8 bytes 480 meta nftrace set 1 (verdict continue)
trace id ff3b1d8d bridge tb_bridge ch_filter_prerouting rule log tcp dport 3000 comment "bridge-filter-prerouting" (verdict continue)
trace id ff3b1d8d bridge tb_bridge ch_filter_prerouting verdict continue 
trace id ff3b1d8d bridge tb_bridge ch_filter_prerouting policy accept 
trace id ff3b1d8d inet tb_inet ch_nat_prerouting packet: iif "br0" ether saddr f4:8c:50:fa:1f:e5 ether daddr 00:0c:29:15:7b:a0 ip saddr ip daddr ip dscp 0x04 ip ecn not-ect ip ttl 64 ip id 64068 ip protocol tcp ip length 60 tcp sport 46206 tcp dport 3000 tcp flags == syn tcp window 64240 
trace id ff3b1d8d inet tb_inet ch_nat_prerouting rule log tcp dport 3000 counter packets 8 bytes 480 redirect to :3000 (verdict accept)
trace id ff3b1d8d inet tb_inet ch_filter_prerouting packet: iif "br0" ether saddr f4:8c:50:fa:1f:e5 ether daddr 00:0c:29:15:7b:a0 ip saddr ip daddr ip dscp 0x04 ip ecn not-ect ip ttl 64 ip id 64068 ip protocol tcp ip length 60 tcp sport 46206 tcp dport 3000 tcp flags == syn tcp window 64240 
trace id ff3b1d8d inet tb_inet ch_filter_prerouting rule log tcp dport 3000 comment "inet-filter-prerouting" (verdict continue)
trace id ff3b1d8d inet tb_inet ch_filter_prerouting verdict continue 
trace id ff3b1d8d inet tb_inet ch_filter_prerouting policy accept 
trace id ff3b1d8d ip tb_ip ch_filter_prerouting packet: iif "br0" ether saddr f4:8c:50:fa:1f:e5 ether daddr 00:0c:29:15:7b:a0 ip saddr ip daddr ip dscp 0x04 ip ecn not-ect ip ttl 64 ip id 64068 ip length 60 tcp sport 46206 tcp dport 3000 tcp flags == syn tcp window 64240 
trace id ff3b1d8d ip tb_ip ch_filter_prerouting rule log tcp dport 3000 comment "ip-filter-prerouting" (verdict continue)
trace id ff3b1d8d ip tb_ip ch_filter_prerouting verdict continue 
trace id ff3b1d8d ip tb_ip ch_filter_prerouting policy accept 

>From this capture I can see that the package is going throuh prerouting in all tables, the last one being ip table. Here even though the verdict is continue and the policy accept, the package cannot be seen in other hooks input, forward, output or postrouting (therefore the application listening locally to 3000 is not getting the connection request). It seems that the package is simply vanishing.

The nstat is returning:
#3661.1804289383 sampling_interval=10 time_const=60
IpInReceives                    66                 6.6
IpInAddrErrors                  0                  0.4
IpInDelivers                    53                 4.6
IpOutRequests                   52                 4.5
IpOutNoRoutes                   1                  0.1
TcpInSegs                       53                 4.6
TcpOutSegs                      56                 4.7
TcpRetransSegs                  2                  0.1
Ip6InReceives                   1                  0.1
Ip6InMcastPkts                  1                  0.1
Ip6InOctets                     72                 6.4
Ip6OutOctets                    0                  0.6
Ip6InMcastOctets                72                 6.3
Ip6OutMcastOctets               0                  0.6
Ip6InNoECTPkts                  1                  0.1
TcpExtDelayedACKs               1                  0.1
TcpExtTCPHPHits                 0                  0.3
TcpExtTCPPureAcks               14                 0.9
TcpExtTCPHPAcks                 32                 2.7
TcpExtTCPLossProbes             3                  0.1
TcpExtTCPBacklogCoalesce        1                  0.1
TcpExtTCPDSACKRecv              2                  0.1
TcpExtIPReversePathFilter       10                 1.2
TcpExtTCPAutoCorking            12                 1.2
TcpExtTCPOrigDataSent           52                 4.3
TcpExtTCPDelivered              54                 4.4
IpExtInOctets                   4275             526.9
IpExtOutOctets                  23132           1469.2
IpExtInBcastOctets              0                  4.4
IpExtInNoECTPkts                66                 6.6

Any idea on how to troubleshoot?


-----Original Message-----
From: Florian Westphal <fw@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Jaga Doe <jaga.doe@xxxxxxx>
Cc: fw <fw@xxxxxxxxx>; netfilter <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thu, Feb 6, 2020 10:46 am
Subject: Re: Redirect bridged traffic

Jaga Doe <jaga.doe@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>       Hello,
>    I have discovered a great mechanism of understanding what is happening, but setting nftrace flag. With that I can see the dataflow:
> trace id 9af9e0b6 bridge tbrFilter cbrRedirect packet: iif "eth1" ether saddr f4:8c:50:fa:1f:e5 ether daddr 00:0c:29:15:7b:a0 ip saddr ip daddr ip dscp 0x04 ip ecn not-ect ip ttl 64 ip id 18388 ip protocol tcp ip length 60 tcp sport 40902 tcp dport 3000 tcp flags == syn tcp window 64240 
> trace id 9af9e0b6 bridge tbrFilter cbrRedirect rule log tcp dport 3000 meta pkttype set host ether daddr set 00:0c:29:15:7b:a0 counter packets 5 bytes 300 meta nftrace set 1 (verdict continue)
> trace id 9af9e0b6 bridge tbrFilter cbrRedirect verdict continue 
> trace id 9af9e0b6 bridge tbrFilter cbrRedirect policy accept 
> trace id 9af9e0b6 inet tlcRedirect clcRedirect packet: iif "br0" ether saddr f4:8c:50:fa:1f:e5 ether daddr 00:0c:29:15:7b:a0 ip saddr ip daddr ip dscp 0x04 ip ecn not-ect ip ttl 64 ip id 18388 ip protocol tcp ip length 60 tcp sport 40902 tcp dport 3000 tcp flags == syn tcp window 64240 
> trace id 9af9e0b6 inet tlcRedirect clcRedirect rule log tcp dport 3000 counter packets 5 bytes 300 redirect to :3000 (verdict drop)
> I don't understand why the redirect rule is leading to the drop verdict.

Most simple explanation: your bridge doesn't have an ip address
(redirect is really just 'dnat to' with the primary address of the
 incoming interface).

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