IPv6 parsing issues in conntrackd?

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Good morning,

I am wondering how to use conntrackd with IPv6.

when I try to use UDP + IPv6 [0], I get the error message
"[ERROR] inet_pton(): IPv6 unsupported!". I checked the IPv6 address and
inet_pton() outside of conntrackd nicely works [2] (sample code from

When I change the same construct to use TCP [1], I get a different error

[Thu Jan  2 14:21:32 2020] (pid=23772) [ERROR] can't open channel socket: Invalid argument
[Thu Jan  2 14:21:32 2020] (pid=23772) [ERROR] initialization failed
[Thu Jan  2 14:21:32 2020] (pid=23772) [ERROR] conntrackd cannot start, please review your configuration

And from the manual it looks like that IPv6 multicasting is not
supported - is that correct?

I have a couple of routers in IPv6 only networks and was wondering how
to use conntrackd with that. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong

Another question: the source code of conntrackd-1.4.5 does not output
the errno string, would that be something you'd accept as a patch?

Best regards,


Sync {
        Mode FTFW {
                 ResendQueueSize 131072
                 PurgeTimeout 60
                 ACKWindowSize 300
                 DisableExternalCache Off
        UDP Default {
                IPv6_address fe80::d66d:6dff:fe33:e00
                IPv6_Destination_Address fe80::21b:21ff:febc:7c80
                Port 3780
                Interface wlan0
                Checksum on


Sync {
        Mode FTFW {
                 ResendQueueSize 131072
                 PurgeTimeout 60
                 ACKWindowSize 300
                 DisableExternalCache Off
        TCP Default {
                IPv6_address fe80::d66d:6dff:fe33:e00
                IPv6_Destination_Address fe80::21b:21ff:febc:7c80
                Port 3780
                Interface wlan0
                Checksum on

[13:29] line:~% ./pton i6 fe80::21b:21ff:febc:7c80
[13:29] line:~% ./pton i6 fe80::21b:21ff:febc:7c7a
[13:29] line:~%

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