ct state vmap (nft noob question)

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(I hope these questions aren't too stupid for this list!)

A stateful firewall ruleset usually starts like:

    ct state established,related accept
    ct state invalid drop
    # Hooray, 99% of packets are now decided;
    # we only need to think hard the ones in ct state new!

If you want to guard against a coworker "accidentally" adding NOTRACK in
raw, you might tweak that to drop "ct untracked" as well:

    ct state established,related accept
    ct state != new drop

But nftables has these "verdict map" things now:

    ct state vmap { established:accept, related:accept, invalid:drop }

Is that "better" than the original?
It's one less rule, so it ought to be more efficient, right?

One obvious downside is you lose the ability to counter/log/reject the
ct state invalid packets, because those aren't valid in verdict_expr.

Why is the original allowed to have "established,related" without braces?
[UPDATE: answered below]

I'm a little bit worried because "nft describe ct state" looks like a
list of flags (powers of two), and in parser_bison.y I don't understand
ct_expr, but set_flag_list is using a comma as a bitwise OR.

Can a packet be *both* established and related at the same time?

If so, is "ct state established,related" matching any packet that has
established or related *OR BOTH*?

If so, does that mean it will accept some packets that my vmap (above) won't?

The parser won't accept "{related,established: accept}" in a vmap, but
it will accept a pipe.  Does this has the same meaning as the original
pair of rules?

    ct state vmap { invalid : drop, established | related : accept }

I think so, because the pipe comes back out as a comma here:

    # nft add rule 'inet x y ct state established|related accept'
    # nft list chain inet x y
    table inet x
      chain y {
        ct state established,related accept

Oh using the English word "or" is probably clearer, at least for

    ct state established or related accept
    ct state vmap { established or related: accept, invalid: drop }

The equivalence of "or" and "|" and "," --- except inside a set/map ---
wasn't obvious to me from the nft manpage (as at 0.9.1).  I "caught on"
because equivalences like "ne" and "!=" were mentioned here:
(no bitwise operators there, though)

PS: AFAICT if a vmap doesn't match, the rule doesn't match, so
processing just carries on to the next rule.  Is there a way to have a
"default value" in the vmap?  e.g.

    ct state vmap { established or related: accept,
                    new: continue,
                    OTHERWISE: return }

I can't see it in verdict_map_list_expr or in the manpage.

PPS: my earlier "chain comment" question, I now realize the "NOOP rule"
I wanted is just "continue", e.g.

    table inet x {
      chain y {
        continue comment "This chain is the common start for INPUT and FORWARD."
        continue comment "It allows the things you (almost always) want."
        ct state vmap { established or related: accept; invalid: drop }
        iiftype loopback accept
        icmp type { ... } accept
        icmpv6 type { ... } accept

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