Hi, I'm trying to tunnel some traffic between VM on one server to VM on other server. While doing this I need to rewrite lldp destination mac so it doesn't get picked up by switch in between I do this with dnat rules which works fine when using it on the physical interfaces But if I try to do it on a bond interface the dnat rules doesn't get applied I assume traffic gets picked up by module handling bond interface and ebtable PREROUTING rule doesn't get applied. Is there any way to get a dest-mac rewrite rule to work on a bond interface or would I have to jump traffic through extra bridge to be able to apply PREROUTING rule there? Simplified config for recreating problem + versions I'm using below (works if I disable bond and take traffic direct on enp0s8 interface only) ebtables -t nat -L Bridge table: nat Bridge chain: PREROUTING, entries: 2, policy: ACCEPT -d 1:0:c:cd:cd:d0 -i bond0 -j dnat --to-dst 1:80:c2:0:0:e --dnat-target ACCEPT -d 1:0:c:cd:cd:d0 -i enp0s8 -j dnat --to-dst 1:80:c2:0:0:e --dnat-target ACCEPT Bridge chain: OUTPUT, entries: 0, policy: ACCEPT Bridge chain: POSTROUTING, entries: 0, policy: ACCEPT echo 16384 > /sys/class/net/br0/bridge/group_fwd_mask brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces br0 8000.ee61e9ba66d8 no bond0 cat /etc/netplan/50-could-init.yaml # This file is generated from information provided by # the datasource. Changes to it will not persist across an instance. # To disable cloud-init's network configuration capabilities, write a file # /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following: # network: {config: disabled} network: ethernets: enp0s3: addresses: [] dhcp4: true enp0s8: dhcp4: false enp0s9: dhcp4: false bonds: bond0: addresses: [ ] interfaces: [ enp0s8, enp0s9 ] parameters: mode: active-backup primary: enp0s8 version: 2 Br, Fredrik