User Firewall

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Good day all,

First please don't blame my poor English, I'm French and I'm not fluent.

I don't know if this is the good Mailing-List for that ... so please redirect me as necessary ...

But I would like to write a linux firewall user software like Zone-Alarm on windows, able to warn user that a given software(even system one, via socket or not) want access to the web on a given way(INPUT[/FORWARD[/NAT]]/OUTPUT), on a given protocol(ARP/ICMP/IP/TCP/UDP included) and on given port(s) to let the user choose what to do with that packet and maybe create automated rule for that kind of packet.

I heard about NF_QUEUE API and finally found this sample code on the web :

I have been modified the code line 91 :


printf("unbinding existing nf_queue handler for AF_INET (if any)\n");

if (nfq_unbind_pf(h, AF_INET) < 0)


    fprintf(stderr, "error during nfq_unbind_pf()\n");



printf("binding nfnetlink_queue as nf_queue handler for AF_INET\n");

if (nfq_bind_pf(h, AF_INET) < 0)


    fprintf(stderr, "error during nfq_bind_pf()\n");




by :


printf("unbinding existing nf_queue handler for AF_INET (if any) ... ");

nfq_unbind_pf(h, AF_INET);


printf("binding nfnetlink_queue as nf_queue handler for AF_INET ... ");

nfq_bind_pf(h, AF_INET);



because of, as I have been understood, there was a retro-compatibility issue that return non-positive values.

I have been compiled it with :

>$ gcc -Wall -o test nfqnl_test.c -lnfnetlink -lnetfilter_queue

Cha ching ! That done !

I written a firewall script with (at end of file) :


># iptables -A OUTPUT -p ALL -j NFQUEUE –queue-num 0

># iptables -A INPUT -p ALL -j NFQUEUE –queue-num 0


that give me something like:


># iptables -L -n -v --line-numbers

Chain INPUT (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
num pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
7 0 0 NFQUEUE all -- * * NFQUEUE num 0

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
num pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
num pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
16 0 0 NFQUEUE all -- * * NFQUEUE num 0


So I think it is well registered by Netfilter

When I launch The test code, it output :


opening library handle
unbinding existing nf_queue handler for AF_INET (if any) ... done
binding nfnetlink_queue as nf_queue handler for AF_INET ... done
binding this socket to queue '0'
error during nfq_create_queue()


In fact :


qh = nfq_create_queue(h,  0, &cb, NULL); // qh == 0


So I'm blocked on Queue creation and can't move forward because I don't know what doesn't work at all.

I'm on UBUNTU (lastest, not LTS) (I know, it's not a good word, but not worst as "Windows").

My question is : Have you any hint (or links) on/for that issue ?

By advance, thank you.

Best regards


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