Nftables: masquerade and forwarding firewall together

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Dear all,

I have a firewall, doing NAT using masquerade for my internal network (I live at
a dormitory). This works well. however we have a small pool of fixed
external IPs,
which some of the people here would like to use.

But I do not understand how I get nftables to do masquerade for the internal net
while only forwarding the traffic from VLAN50 with external ip(see below [2]).

I have copied a small example of how I am trying to do the config.
I have:
  iif $dmz_if oif $ext_if accept
before masquerade in the nat postrouting chain. This does not work.
How should I do it? Something with a goto somewhere?

Another question:
Can I flush a table depending on whether the table exists? Eg like:
if (table ip) exist
   flush table ip filter
The reason for this is that I use fail2ban and have the following

$ cat nftables.conf
  flush ruleset
  include "/etc/firewall.d/fail2ban.conf"
  include "/etc/firewall.d/firewall.conf"

So that I can reload only the firewall by doing
$ nft -f /etc/firewall.d/firewall.conf

I hope someone can help. I use systemd-network.[1]
Best regards,


eth0 is the Interface connected to the "internet". eht1 contains all the VLANS.
$ cat /etc/systemd/network/



VLAN50 has the following
$ cat /etc/systemd/network/*



# Outgoing interface
define ext_if  = eth0
define ext_ip  =
define int_net =

# VLAN with external IPs. Don't masquerade
define dmz_if = vlan50
define dmz_net =

# internal VLANS. Do masquerade
define cosmos_if = vlan11
define cosmos_net =

define all_ifs =  { $cosmos_if, ...}
define all_nets = { $cosmos_net, ...}

table ip filter {
  chain input {
    type filter hook input priority 0;

    ct state established,related accept
    ct state invalid drop

    iifname lo accept
    iif $dmz_if oif $ext_if counter accept

    tcp dport 22 limit rate 15/minute accept
    ip saddr $all_nets tcp dport ssh accept

    iif $ext_if counter drop
    udp dport { 137, 138, 5353 } drop    # NetBIOS, Avahi
    udp sport 17500 udp dport 17500 drop # Dropbox LANsync

  chain forward {
    type filter hook forward priority 0;
    ct state established,related accept
    ct state invalid drop

    # allow local traffic
    iif $all_ifs  ip saddr $all_nets  accept
  chain output {
    type filter hook output priority 0;
    ct state {established, related} accept
    ct state invalid drop
    oifname lo accept

table ip nat {
  chain portforward {
  chain prerouting {
    type nat hook prerouting priority -150;
    goto portforward
  chain output {
    type nat hook output priority -150;
    goto portforward
  chain input {
    type nat hook input priority -150;
    # this chain is needed to make dnat from the output chain work
  chain postrouting {
    type nat hook postrouting priority -150;
    # accept dmz_if as it is and do masquerade on the rest
    iif $dmz_if oif $ext_if accept
    oif $ext_if masquerade
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