Simulating router breaking idle TCP connections with IPTABLES

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Hi All,

It seems there are some routers floating around that break idle TCP connections after a specified amount of time. 
For example: "Sonicwall devices have that feature to close established connections when they hit a predefined timeout value
with no data passing through."

This causes some issues with Gnome's Nautilus/GVFS and sftp connections that I'm trying to handle more gracfully. The problem is I dont have a router that has this behaviour so I'm looking for a way to simulate it using iptables on my PC.
I have read the thread about this from 2011 but it looks like a solution wasnt provided as the usecase didnt call for doing what was requested.
I however DO want to break the established TCP connections. Does anyone know how I can do this? I don't mind if I need to edit code and rebuild as this is just for testing perposes so I will be reverting once I'm finished.

Thanks for your time,

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