[ipset] possible bug handling multi-resolved FQDNs

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Hi there,
I found this:

root@pica:~# ipset create repos_ipv6 hash:ip family inet6
root@pica:~# ipset add repos_ipv6 wildcart.fedoraproject.org
ipset v6.12.1: Syntax error: cannot resolve 'wildcart.fedoraproject.org' to an IPv6 address: Name or service not known Syntax error: cannot parse wildcart.fedoraproject.org: resolving to IPv6 address failed
root@pica:~# dig +short wildcard.fedoraproject.org AAAA

The IPset package is the Debian Wheezy one:
Package: ipset
Version: 6.12.1-1

Kernel: Linux 3.2.0-2-686-pae (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Architecture: i386 (i686)

In a machine with the same version of the package but amd64 the bug/error doesn't exist.

Any idea?

Best regards

Arturo Borrero González
Departamento de Seguridad Informática, @NIS_CICA (twitter)
Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía (CICA)
Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n - 41012 - Sevilla (Spain)
Tfno.: +34 955 056 600 / FAX: +34 955 056 650
Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo
Junta de Andalucía

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