Re: Strange problems on iptables (FC17) .... need your help

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On Wednesday 2012-10-03 20:28, Ajit K Jena wrote:
># The following is to just produce a log of all outgoing packets from
># IPs that are members in the set src_nm_set.
># The set has only one member with IP
>-A FORWARD -p tcp -m set --match-set src_nm_set src \
>        -m multiport --dports 80:64000 -j LOG --log-level 4 --log-prefix
>"nm_http_outword: "

Why would you allow ports 81 through 64000? That seems like the oddest
range ever, even more so than the usually pointless 1024:65535.

># The following is to just produce a log of all incoming packets
>-A FORWARD -p tcp -m set --match-set src_nm_set dst \
>        -m multiport --sports 80:64000 -j LOG --log-level 4 --log-prefix
>"nm_http_inword: "

(outward - inward. No words here.)

>  c) The "inward" log entry is **NOT** produced in the logfile.
>  d) It appears as if the packet is simply dropped.
>  How do I go about debugging this further ?

Log all other packets that are not logged by the outward or inward one.
Their contents may be sufficiently different that your rules don't fire.
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