I think I have this nailed down, and it happens not to be related to iptables
at all. My fault: one of the main jobs of the problematic boxes is being IPSec
gateways, which I shamefully forgot to say when reporting this problem. And it
seems this is the problem.
Using "perf top", I can see that when ksoftirq is at 100% CPU the syscalls
being called are __xfrm4_find_bundle (occupying most of the CPU),
des3_ede_encrypt and des3_ede_decrypt. Last friday I thought the problem were
just the latter two, and after some googling and finding that 3DES is actually
more inefficient than AES, I started to change 3DES for AES-128. But today
it's clear that, though 3DES may be a part of the problem, the gist of it is
I've been searching for some explanation about what this syscall does, and
found a message in a forum
hinting to xfrm settings as the culprit. But anyway, I'm going to ask in
openswan's list, which seems the proper place to do it.
Roberto Suarez Soto Allenta Consulting
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