Re: Dropped packets logged which should be accepted by Conntrack

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On Tuesday 2011-11-15 04:07, John A. Sullivan III wrote:

>Hello, all.  I find myself perplexed by what I often see in our logs.
>At the end of our FORWARD chain, we log drops for no matches:
>[root@fw01 log]# iptables -v -n -L FORWARD
>Chain FORWARD (policy DROP 528K packets, 85M bytes)
> pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source
>  16M  925M TCPMSS     tcp  --  *      *
>           tcp flags:0x06/0x02 TCPMSS clamp to PMTU
>2284M 1690G ACCEPT     all  --  *      *
>           state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
>7890K  594M VPN_ALLOW  all  --  *      *
>           MARK match 0xcccc/0xcccc
>  27M 2609M UPEPIN_DENY  all  --  *      *
>  27M 2609M UPEPIN     all  --  *      *
> 528K   85M LOG        all  --  *      *
>           LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `No Match: '
>However, my logs are always showing these drops for packets I know
>should be matched in conntrack:
>Nov 14 18:45:51 fw01 kernel: No Match: IN=bond4 OUT=bond3 SRC=172.x.y.34
>DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=63 ID=48910 DF

As always, post the *full* ruleset, and do so by using iptables-save. Do 
*NOT* use -L.
The use of TCPMSS is generally not needed either - if you do, you are 
likely to be wrongly blocking ICMP.
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