Re: [LARTC] LARTC mailing list

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On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Andrew Beverley <andy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-11-02 at 16:43 +0100, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
>> On Saturday 2011-10-22 16:10, Andrew Beverley wrote:
>> >On Sat, 2011-10-22 at 15:03 +0200, Niccolò Belli wrote:
>> >> Is someone still interested to bring LARTC to a new life?
>> >> I'm sorry for the subscription but the list didn't work anymore and it
>> >> was unfeasible to CC 30+ addresses. Let me know if you want to
>> >> unsubscribe and you don't know how to.
>> >
>> >Thanks for doing this Niccolo. However, I'd rather see it hosted at
>> > for all the reasons previously outlined.
>> >
>> >I was actually going to suggest a new list called net-users instead.
>> >There is netdev, netfilter-devel and netfilter, but not a general
>> >networking users list.
>> >
>> >User questions do get asked on netdev, and some non-netfilter questions
>> >get asked on the netfilter list, but it would seem sensible to have a
>> >general networking users list that would include LARTC questions.
>> >
>> >Comments anyone?
>> Might as well just go to netfilter for now, it's not like as if the
>> traffic was as much as linux-kernel.
> Yep, may as well, they seem to be posted there anyway. I was just
> conscious that there doesn't appear to be many "tc" experts, because
> those sort of questions don't get much of a response.

I would be interested in seeing a resurrected 'tc' list aimed more at
users/sysadmins than developers.

There has been a lot of mostly theoretical discussion about aqms and
the like on the bloat and bloat-devel lists, but when it comes down to
something that will actually work, not so much...

> I'd love to spend some time on some tc documentation one day...

The tc documentation is littered with less than useful examples, when
they do exist, which is not often enough, and much of the public
documentation is old or hard to understand.

and I'd be glad to help get all that sorted out.

> Andy
> --
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