Re: iptaccount/shaping

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>I have a firewall that provides internet to two networks, a private one
>My question is: is it somehow possible I am leaking data on my outside
>port that would trigger the ISP counter but not iptaccount?  Is there
>some layer 2 traffic of which I am not aware that would tell the ISP
>what the intended traffic before shaping might be?  I have been dumping
>and analyzing traffic for hours and found nothing, but maybe there is
>something I don't know about that would explain this.

First of all try to compare isp data with what you see on ethernet
interface connected to that isp:
ip link show -s dev ethX

You should get something like this:

    RX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped overrun mcast   
    714301652  713443   0       0       0       3494   
    TX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped carrier collsns 
    79328329   501677   0       0       2       0

Stats show actual data sent/received (since reboot) including layer2
headers. Gathered data should exacly match your isp stats.

Best regards,
Marek Kierdelewicz

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