I've had the need for the same functionality, so I wrote the script
below. It takes one argument - the name of the chain for which you want
to delete any rules that reference it. It prints the iptables commands
to run to delete the respective rules.
# unlink-chain.sh
# Erik Schorr 2010
# Permission to use, modify, and redistribute granted to anyone for any
# Use this program at your own risk.
# Author disclaims any responsibility for quality or usefulness of this
if [ "$SEARCHCHAIN" ]; then
for n in nat filter raw; do
iptables -t $n -S | grep -e "^-A.*-j $SEARCHCHAIN " | sed -e
"s/^-A/-D/g" -e "s/^/iptables -t $n /g"
echo "usage: $0 <target chain>"
### snip
# ./unlink-chain.sh DROP_SPYWARE
iptables -t filter -D EGRESS_OUT -d x.x.x.x/32 -p tcp -m comment
--comment "SPYWARE 20110215" -j DROP_SPYWARE
On 6/24/2011 3:12 PM, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
On Friday 2011-06-24 02:06, Jonathan Tripathy wrote:
On 24/06/2011 00:44, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
On Friday 2011-06-24 00:16, Jonathan Tripathy wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Is there any quick command that I can use with iptables to remove all links
a chain, as well as removing the chain itself?
No, -F would clean the chain, and -X would remove them, which are
currently two separate operations with the iptables(8) frontend.
Hi There,
Thanks for this, however I already knew those commands. I'm looking for a
command to clear the links to the chain (the commands above clear the chain
itself), however I'm guessing is there none?
Indeed there are none.
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