Re: ipset v6.latest bugs?

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On Mon, 25 Apr 2011, Mr Dash Four wrote:

> > It's a non-critical bug, I'll fix it this week.
> >   
> OK, thanks.
> > > 2. There seems to be a huge memory leak - don't know whether this is as a
> > > result of the error in 1 above. When I add elements to hash:ip set and
> > > then
> > > clear the entire set, the "Size in memory" value of the set doubles every
> > > time
> > > I do that (16512 initially, then 32896, 65664 ...). I have tried a similar
> > > operation with hash:net set, but there is no memory leak there at all.
> > 
> > No, there's no memory leak there: if you check the list of the elements you
> > can see that more and more elements could successfully be added to the
> > growing hash.
> >   
> Yeah, but the set is empty!
> It is flushed, so why is it that after the set is cleared (and there are no
> elements in that set!), it still occupies 4 times as much memory it had
> initially with the same number of elements, i.e. zero? If this isn't a memory
> leak it is a very bad practice I would think.

Hashes are never shrunk. The hash was initiated with the size 1024. Then 
it was doubled, again and again. Even after deleting all the elements, the 
base structures are there, emptied, ready to occupy new elements.
> I have just (tried) to add a single /14 net, what's going to happen if I add
> more, much more to it, and then flush the entire set? Would it be still
> occupying that amount of memory then?

Even if you flush the set, there's a real difference in memory usage 
between having an empty set with hash size 1024 or say 16384.

If you don't need a large set anymore, swap it with a smaller one.
> > > 3. Don't know whether this is a bug, but thought to report it too -
> > > hash:net,
> > > different to hash:ip set, seems unable to accept ip ranges
> > > ( in my example above) - I get an error every time I
> > > attempt this operation. Could this behaviour be corrected and I am allowed
> > > to
> > > specify ranges please?
> > 
> > No, because what would be the network you'd want to add to the set then?   
> My understanding of hash:net is that it could have various subnets registered
> there;, etc. So, instead of adding these by
> specifying the cidr addresses would it be possible to specify their ranges -
> "" and "" in this case? I
> indicated the reasons for this in my previous post.
> > Every /24 in the given range? Or every /16? Or the set type should convert
> > the range to a network and add that to the set? And if that can't be covered
> > by one network, then add a combination of networks which cover the range
> > exactly?
> >   
> If there are "overlapping" cidr ranges, like with (which, in
> cidr terms, is "" and "") then obviously there will be
> two elements added - "" and "", so I do not understand
> where the problem is?

The problem is that at some point the conversion has to be done.
It can be done before feeding the data to ipset too. 
> > > 4. The "old" format of iptreemap set is automatically converted to an
> > > hash:ip
> > > set. Why? I think that is wrong, given that such a set could contain, in
> > > all
> > > probability, more than 64k individual ip addresses and when that limit is
> > > reached no elements could then be added.
> > >     
> > 
> > Hm, iptreemap should have been limited to 64k elements...
> From my understanding, iptree has this limitation. iptreemap is like "hash:net
> on steroids" :-) (if my understanding of hash:net is correct, of course) - I
> can register any subnet from any subnet range (this is the primary reason I
> use it for storing these, seemingly random, net ranges from the geoip
> database) - it is perfect for the job, save for the initial loading time, and
> its performance is also superb.

hash:net and iptreemap are quite different. Let's look at 
with hash:net that is a single element, interpreted as a network and 
matching all elements in it. In iptreemap, that's 65536 different, 
individual IP addresses.
> >  That was an error on my part, that I forgot to limit that type.
> > 
> > hash:ip type allows more than 64k elements, when defined with a non-default
> > "maxelem" parameter.
> >   
> So, for the number of disparate net ranges I pick from the geoip database
> (about 30k ranges, not single ip addresses!) what type of set should I choose
> then and can I also specify ip ranges instead of using the cidr ip address
> notation?

Convert the ranges to networks and use a hash:net type of set. There are 
countless tools to do the conversion. I see that automatic input 
conversion could be a useful feature in ipset but at least for a few weeks 
I'll not be able to deal with it.

Best regards,
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