I can't see any log activity for my LVS cluster

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Hi everyone,

I have a very simple LVS cluster with one director and two webservers
and it is working just fine.

However, for statistical analysis, I need to capture the respond time of
the webservres.

I was hopeing to use ulogd with debug enabled (loglevel = 1) to see what
is happening inside ipvsdm. Ulogd doesn't return anything and the logs
are empty.

Further I decide to directly look at the /var/log/messages and I don't
see any activity over there too!!!

Should I recompile kernel with debug enabled (i.e. to have
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/debug_level )? I am using Debian sid ...
2.6.32-5-vserver-amd64 ... could you please help me? All I am trying to
do is to see how long it takes for each webserver to respond the http

Thank you,
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