> > Ouch. It's a bit late in the game to be starting the info gathering. I > hope the network is not large. It's a manageable number. We are tying this in with hardware upgrade as well so we will basically be building scratch environment and then migrating data over (which we have done a lot of in the past). > There is a side benefit to the absence of service names. You can combine > the two migrations so the new names can start with IPv6-enabled and old > legacy systems that can't be converted yet use the old NAT names. This way > you can avoid the whole annoyance of migrating to intermediary ipv6.foo > names during initial production testing then migrating a second time back > to the normal names. > > AYJ That gives me something to think about. I will have to play around with the naming to see what's going to work best. Thanks everyone for the information. Gary Smith ��.n��������+%������w��{.n����z���)��jg��������ݢj����G�������j:+v���w�m������w�������h�����٥